Yes, you can borrow the Internet!
In order to promote access to the internet, the Pequannock Township Public Library circulates eight mobile WiFi Hotspots. Up to 15 devices may be connected to the Hotspot at once.
ELIGIBILITY: A Hotspot may be checked out by any Pequannock resident, 18 years or older. The patron must present a valid Pequannock Township library, which is in good standing, at checkout.
LOAN PERIOD & CHECKOUT: Hotspots circulate for a 14-day loan period (no renewals). Only one Hotspot may be borrowed by a household at a time. Each Hotspot unit circulates in a case with a micro-USB cord, AC charger with USB port, instruction manual, and this agreement. HOTSPOTS are non-holdable. They may not have holds placed on them, nor may they be held for someone who calls and asks for one to be held until they get here. If a patron returns a HOTSPOT and it will be the only one on the shelf, they may not charge that HOTSPOT to their card again. The HOTSPOT must go back on the shelf for 24 hours. However, if there are other HOTSPOTS available upon the return, the patron may take one of those HOTSPOTS.
RETURNS: Hotspots are fragile and must, therefore, be returned to a staff member and not in either of the book drops. Patrons will be responsible for damage to the item if it is returned via the book drop.
Overdue Fine: $5 per day | Lost Hotspot: $50.
Damaged Hotspot: The charge for a damaged Hotspot will be determined by the Library Director. A lost or damaged cord, bag, or charger will charged at current market replacement cost.
INTERNET USE: The Pequannock Township Public Library is not responsible for information accessed using this device or for personal information shared over the Internet. Hotspot users are encouraged to follow safe Internet practices. The following behaviors can result in the suspension of Hotspot privileges and/or criminal prosecution: Viewing, displaying or disseminating materials that are judged in accordance with current legal definitions as being obscene. Use of the Internet in any way which violates federal, state, or municipal laws.
PRIVACY POLICY : Your Internet usage is not tracked by the Library or the service provider. The Library does not have access to or collect specific usage data. The Library does not provide patron information to the service provider. The only data about the Hotspot program that the Library collects is the total amount of data transmitted and received by each device during a billing cycle anonymous circulation data related to checkouts of the Hotspot devices. The Internet service provider for the Hotspot program does not monitor or track the websites that Hotspot users visit or the information that users submit (user names, passwords, credit card information, etc.).